Best Best Best Training School out there. Just brilliant. Every thing worked out so well and passed Both of my Tests Mod1 and Mod2 first time all credit goes to Glen for his training and Casy for organising all the training dates. No fancy Bikes or Fancy training centre just good old fashion style hands on training which I believe is the best way to get trained. And the other good thing was they helped me out by training me around my schedule not theirs, as I work weekdays so they gave me a lot of time on the weekend. Well done to all of you and just listen to what the Trainer says and you'll smash it on your test.
Arsalan Khan
Excellent Motorcycle training with a keen interest in developing riders abilities.
Looking forward to train for Mod 2, Thanks guys!
Martin Medlock
There's no better instructor. I went from completely clueless, to passing my direct access. On 2 wheels deserved a medal!
Catherine Bryceson Trussell
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Providing the best and most relaxed Motorcycle Training since year 2000 - from CBT, Direct Access to advanced